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Dreamy Dentures: Why You Should Soak Them at Night

February 5, 2024

Dentures in a glass of clear liquid on bathroom counter

Dentures have remained one of the most popular ways to replace missing teeth because they return so much of your ability to eat and speak again. Many patients find that they adjust to their false teeth quickly and eventually become so comfortable that they forget they’re wearing them. When that happens, it’s easy to fall asleep at night while they’re still in your mouth. It’s not good for your restoration to be in your mouth that long, though. Keep reading to learn 4 reasons why you should be soaking your dentures while you sleep, instead!

Reason #1: Dentures Have Pores

Though to the naked eye, dentures appear to have a solid surface, on a microscopic level they’re full of tiny pores. They may be too small for you to see them, but harmful bacteria like to use these grooves as shelter. They can thrive in these spaces and cause oral issues like gum disease. To prevent this, place your restoration in a glass of cool water or a special soaking solution in the evening when you’re getting ready for bed. Doing so will eradicate the unwanted germs.

Reason #2: Additional Bacteria with Age

Although there are exceptions, we tend to need dentures when we lose teeth as we age. Unfortunately, we also produce less saliva as we grow older. Spit is your body’s natural defense against dental problems. It has a nearly neutral pH balance to counteract acid damage and also flushes away germs and food particles that contribute to decay and disease.

When you produce less saliva, you’re more likely to have a dry mouth. This is an ideal environment for unhealthy microbes to thrive, meaning you have more bacteria that can impact your dentures and your oral well-being.

Reason #3: Your Gums Need a Rest

Dentures rely on a tight suction against your gums to remain in place. After a full day with them in, the tender tissues inside your mouth can start to feel sore. If yours are loose, you can even end up with painful blisters that can become infected.

When you remove your dentures to soak overnight, you’re simultaneously giving your gums a well-deserved break from the constant pressure of wearing them. This allows any aches to subside and for any raw areas to mend themselves while you rest.

Reason #4: Thoroughly Clean Them

Even if you take your false teeth out to rinse them after every meal, they can still develop plaque. Brushing them is necessary to scrub it away but doesn’t always kill off all the germs that have built up. If you leave them in an appropriate solution at night, though, you can effectively destroy over 99.9% of unwanted bacteria.

You’ll keep your mouth and your restoration happier and healthier by leaving them to soak while you sleep each night!

About the Author

Dr. Parsia Koleini has years of experience providing families with a full range of oral care services, including dentures. He graduated manga cum laude from the Boston University School of Dental Medicine and has earned several prestigious awards. He believes that combining knowledge with state-of-the-art technology enhances patient comfort and achieves more accurate, long-lasting results. If you’re considering dentures or need yours adjusted, you’re welcome to request a consultation appointment on the website or by calling (978) 650-2793.

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