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Associates in Dental Health of Haverhill Blog

Dental Implant Surgery: Preparation & Aftercare Tips

January 6, 2020

person making a smoothie

Dental implants in Bradford are going to change your life by improving the quality of your oral and overall health. This advanced restorative procedure will repair your ability to speak and eat with absolute ease, as well as offer you countless unique benefits that you couldn’t enjoy with traditional solutions such as dentures. Going into surgery can be daunting, but when you feel well-prepared, it can help ease your worries and make you feel less anxious. Read on to learn some preparation and aftercare tips to help you feel confident about going into your implant placement procedure.


5 Tips to Survive the Holiday Season with a Healthy Smile

December 4, 2019

Friends smiling with holiday decorations around

While children dread getting coal in their stockings if they have been naughty, adults know they should be more afraid of getting something else during the holidays: cavities! The cheerful season is often laden with Christmas cookies and other sweet treats that can contribute to tooth decay if proper precautions are not taken. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are 5 tips from a dentist in Haverhill on how to survive the holiday season with a healthy smile.


Why You Should Use Your Dental Benefits, Starting Today

November 5, 2019

A man at his dental appointment.

If you have dental insurance, you’re already taking the right steps towards making your necessary dental treatments more affordable, especially when it comes to preventive care. However, you should also know that your benefits are set to expire in the upcoming new year, and any treatments that go unused are not set to roll over! That’s why this cosmetic dentist is encouraging everyone with dental insurance to schedule an appointment today, before it’s too late. Here’s why!


5 Tips for a Tooth-Healthy Halloween

October 8, 2019

Halloween candy

The second most popular holiday of the year is almost upon us. If you’re not careful, the enjoyment of Halloween can be lessened by your little one getting cavities. That’s why your dentist is here with these tips on how to have a mouth-healthy Halloween.


Chipped Tooth? An Emergency Dentist Explains What You Should Do

September 6, 2019

a female patient holding her cheek in a pain at the dentist office

It’s a beautiful Fall day, and you decide you want to take a leisurely bike ride through the neighborhood. You find yourself getting lost in the changing color of the trees when suddenly, you hit a pothole and go stumbling off your bike, hitting the pavement. The moment you connect with the concrete, you feel a crack and realize you’ve just chipped your tooth. This type of dental emergency can leave you one of two ways: panicking or thinking, “Oh great, what do I do now?” No matter how you react, find out from an emergency dentist who can explain what you should do in this situation and how a professional can effectively treat the problem.


4 Reasons to Schedule a Back-to-School Dental Appointment

August 8, 2019

kid in dental chair

The start of a brand new school year is quickly approaching, and with it, your child’s back-to-school checkup with their dentist in Haverhill. Or, at least, it should be. We know that going to the dentist isn’t exactly every child’s favorite activity, but it’s crucial for their oral health. Here are 4 reasons why it’s important for your little one to see their dentist before the new school year begins.


4 Ways Your Dentist in Haverhill Can Get Your Smile Ready for Summer

June 3, 2019

woman in beach hat smiling

You’re going to be maid of honor at your best friend’s wedding this summer. You’ve already lost the weight you wanted to, but something still isn’t quite right. You’ve got stains and chips on your teeth that you wish you could hide. People are going to be looking at you at the wedding, and you want to look your absolute best. Fortunately, a dentist in Haverhill offers 4 ways to make your smile as beautiful as can be this summer.


A Family Dentist in Bradford Who Offers More Than Just Dental Care!

January 31, 2019

Family of four smiling hugging

Now that a new year has begun, you’ve set a goal of finding a family dentist in Bradford to provide dental care for your household. There is much more to gain, though. That’s because a top professional will provide intangible benefits that extend beyond just dental health. Read on to learn about the power of building strong relationships!


Resolutions for a Healthy Smile in 2019 From Your Bradford Dentist

December 10, 2018

Most of us want to start the year off with a clean slate when it comes to our health, and your oral health is no exception. In light of all the information regarding the connections between your oral health and your overall health, there has never been a more important time to make your dental care a priority, and your helpful Bradford dentist has some tips on how to do it.

Woman with a beautiful smile.
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